MediumRare presents

Head: Basemeshes

Speed up your face generation in Adobe Medium.

These Layered base meshes are designed to help speed up the generation of new faces in Adobe Medium without having to start from scratch each and every time. The meshes are available in three flavours: Masculine, Feminine or a pack with both!

Masculine basemesh

The Masculine basemesh has a wider jaw and a prominent Supra orbital process which equates to a more Masculine look to the initial face. Purchase includes a video detailing the usage of the face and timelapse of the basemesh in use.

Feminine Basemesh

The Feminine basemesh has a narrower jaw, a taller, flatter forehead and a thinner nose equating to a more Feminine look of the initial face. Purchase includes a video detailing the usage of the face and timelapse of the face in use.

One face infinite possibilities

The layer setup on the basemesh allows for the quick adjustment of the forms of the face to help quickly achieve the likeness of anyone you can imagine.

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